seciscaFA1 (2).pdf.jpg

seciscaFA1 (2).pdf

  La Migra      

This project seeks to question the notion of illicit data and its subsequent dissemination through translation and transmutation.

For the Chinga La Migra (Fuck The Border Patrol) project, over 700 classified internal documents were obtained from the Arizona Border Patrol through a hacktivist group. Each document was converted into an RGB visualization based on its binary data. Each retains the original document file name. As many of the individuals involved have been raided by the FBI and arrested, this project seeks to question the notion of illicit data and its subsequent dissemination through translation and transmutation.

   Installation views
@ Roxaboxen Exhibitions
Chicago, Illinois


L Parks - Pres Bush Photo.bmp



archival inkjet
mounted to sintra,
dimensions variable


Brochure on Nuclear Threat Briefing for Tucson.ppt,


Human Tracking Techniques 0608.pps, 2011


EB10-67 Cocaine Concealed Inside
Metal Boxes in Front Seat of SUV.pdf, 2011


Radical Islamist
Tattoos 0210.pdf,


Agenda Law - Final Print.doc


FBI Sovereign Citizen Extremists May Use Mock Peace Officer Identification Cards
to Impersonate Law Enforcement.pdf, 2011




Transnational Criminal Organizations (TCOs).pdf, 2011


BRTF BULLETIN (Washington Federal 6895 W. Bell Road.doc